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Government & Public Sector - Conflict, Cooperation,
In terms of workplace
safety, stress and the potential for workplace violence the government
and public sectors are the most difficult to work in. That's because governments
play several roles, once of which is to restrict or regulate the actions
and behaviors of individuals and companies. So, a good percentage of the
time "customer" interaction with government staff is difficult.
To make the situation
worse, there are some harsh, and usually inaccurate stereotypes about government
employees. how often have you heard people say that government staff are
lazy, slow, stupid, uncaring and so on? Probably a lot, and angry clientele
are quick to trot out those demeaning remarks when they get upset. It isn't
fair, but that's the way it is.
Bacal & Associates
& The Institute For Cooperative Communication specialize in providing
both written material and semianrs to government staff to help:
improve customer service
particularly in difficult situations
equip staff with the skills
needed to defuse hostile, potentially difficult situations
reduce work related stress
coming from having to deal with hostile members of the public
save time by reducing time
time spent in arguments and debates
reduce dangerous escalation
of conflict
Here are some quick details:
We offer several options,
a half-day introduction, a full-day and a complete two day Defusing Hostile
Customers seminar.
ALL our sessions are keyed
to YOUR workplace, include a needs assessment and use real examples from
your workplace.
We have worked with government
agencies like:
Worker's Compensation Board
Liquor Commission
Public Insurance Agencies
School Boards
Departments of Labor
Social Services
Departments of Education
Odds are we are familiar
with the context and clientele your organization works with.
Because of our location our
price structure is considerably lower than what it costs for similar seminars
in major centers. That means, even talking into acount expenses (eg. transportation,
etc), it may very cost you less to use our services. And you still get
the best--that's what we specialize in.
If you need more information, contact us via email
at rbacal@escape.ca, by fax at (204) 888-2056, or by phone at (204) 888-9290.
We can send you more detailed information.
Can't swing a seminar? Order
our book (based on the seminar) entitled Defusing
Hostile Customers Workbook For Public Sector
That where we come in. We help schools and school
boards prepare their staff to PREVENT conflict, both with the public, and
with co-workers. We help prepare staff to deal with difficult parent, the
hostile parent, or even worse that parent from hell who takes great joy
in manipulating staff and management, as if it's some jolly game.
Conflict Prevention With Clients
and Customers
Many staff (people) communicate with clients in ways
that put them off. It's not that they do it intentionally--they just use
language in ways that offend people or throw gasoline on the fire. In some
cases, staff can create customer problems when none exist. Imagine the
effect of the staff member who responds to a complaint by saying
"Sorry, Sir, there is nothing I can do., and
then walks away. Heck, it's polite, it may
even be accurate, but it's more than likely that approach is going to end
up costing people time if the person get angrier (which is pretty likely).
And now there's a problem that could have been avoided with proper handling
-- with the use of what we call COOPERATIVE COMMUNICATION.
Through our book, Conflict
Prevention In the Workplace we teach people the difference between
language that causes confrontations and language that encourages cooperation,
either with customers or co-workers.
We also design
and deliver custom-designed seminars on this
topic. No canned stuff. We teach people the use of conflict prevention
techniques using examples from THEIR workplace and company. We can do that
in various time spans--half-day, 1 day or two day, depending on needs.
For details call us at (204) 888-9290.
What's the bottom line with conflict
prevention? With respect to parents and taxpayers, it SAVES time because
it prevents escalation of conflict, disagreement, etc. It saves stress,
by keeping things in control. Everybody wins. Parents feel they are being
treated well, and are less likely to fight . Oh, and principals and administrators
don't have to get involved as often with customer disputes.
How can we help.? First
we can design and deliver custom-designed
seminars on defusing hostile customers. We
do it your way, consistent with your department'sc. Send us email for more
information at rbacal@escape.ca
We have produces several books
and workbooks on defusing hostile customers (see left hand side of this
page). In fact we have produced two for educators --
Defusing Hostile & Volatile Situations For Educators,
and it's companion workbook. For details and information
please click here.
Bottom Line: We teach you and
staff how to deal with the difficult, the ornery, the offended, the angry,
and the manipulative clientt or tax payer .
Teamwork &
Internal Conflict Among Personnel
Still with us? It's impossible
to grow good relationships with clientele and taxpayers if staff don't
work in concert and in harmony. They need to be harnessed and pulling in
the same direction, not in different ones. And, yes, there's an art to
it, and people can learn to handle internal conflict much more effectively,
and to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
We can consult with you to create
a plan to help staff work together. We can work with you to teach those
"ole" conflict prevention techniques. Or we can provide multiple copies
of Conflict Prevention In The Workplace at
a significant discount.
Enough Already!
OK. I could go on and on and
you have better things to do than read more. Here's the summary:
We provide training, publications
and do motivational speaking on the subject of conflict, communication
and customer service for the public sector.
Contact us by email at rbacal@escape.ca,
by phone at (204) 888-9290 or fax at (204) 888-2056